Apples Zombies Live in iTunes!
Little known fact: the iPhone App Store (sadly, the option isn’t available for iPad) lists a sub-genre for zombie-themed applications.
The zombie genre in iTunes has several legitimately cool and innovative apps. These applications are pretty diverse and do a great job of validating the iOS platform.
More interesting, however, is the indication that Zombies are emerging as the Vampire anti-meme. The Zombie sub-section of the App Store validates the rising cultural interest in the rising undead and proves commercial and cultural viability of genre.
The next step, of course, should be full integration of iTunes zombie aggregation – TV shows, movies, podcasts, and songs. Perhaps along with the all-but-assure future integration of Apps with Ping Apple will permit a hash-tag channel devoted to the Undead.
Our suggestions for essential zombie apps [links will open iTunes]:
– Mob Zombies – The undead are in real-time and all around you! Mob Zombies integrates with Foursquare and uses recent local check-ins to indicate real-life zombies. Mob Zombies + 42nd St at rush hour = truly terrifying.
– Zombie Infection – a graphically-rad first-person shooter with great graphics.
– Resident Evil 4 – Resident Evil is game cannon. The iPad/iPhone/iOS is a promising but unproven game platform. Resident Evil is a respectable port of a complicated and classic game.
– Plants vs. Zombies – The crack-like classic!
– Night of the Living Dead – A buried gem, this app is essential for every Zombie fan. NotLD is two bucks but comes with the full-length movie, Romero trivia, and tons of ‘Living Dead’ bonus miscellany. iPad only and totally worth it.
What are your favorite zombie apps in iTunes?
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