The Australian produced and directed zombie movie Wyrmwood, produced on a tight budget and released in 2015, was a surprise hit. It was funded through an IndieGogo campaign after the 10 minute trailer the directors produced went viral. In this interview with the director Kiah Roache-Turner, he talks about the perils of the internet as a film and TV director for your product. Also discussed is the directors new project “Wyrmwood TV” and his hopes that it will be seared into Australian pop culture.
Key Takeaways:
- Wyrmwood is a new Australian TV show based off the movie of the same name.
- The movie Wyrmwood became the most illegally downloaded movie in the world and made little profit.
- The director,Kiah Roache-Turner, and his brother, Tristan, are hoping to make money off of this venture by getting it on traditional television outlets.
“My hopes and dreams for the show is to make a TV series that can explode a film fan’s brain in the same way I had my own brain melted by shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Fargo, Mad Men and Rome.”
We Spoke to the Director of This Insane Aussie Zombie TV Show türkiye says
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