GREAT question - we’d love to know the answer! What are the best sites for zombie survival listings? Should we create our own? Submit YOUR essential zombie apocalypse survival tips! … [Read more...] about Do you know any reliable sites for a list of things to go in a zombie survival kit?
Thanks for the Zombie Movie Lists!
We’ll post the final tally + shout outs later today. Thanks! … [Read more...] about Thanks for the Zombie Movie Lists!
List of all zombie movies on Wikipedia…
List of all zombie movies on Wikipedia...This is effing amazing! @headphones4two: oh…my…god…. :O … [Read more...] about List of all zombie movies on Wikipedia…
Things You SHOULD Do When Faced With A Zombie Apocalypse (Ashes)
Long article ahead! Things To Do In The Event Of A Zombie Apocalypse In the vein of my last report, let’s review the things that one should do in a zombie apocalypse. Generally, I like to point out others’ stupidity, purely for others’ benefit. If you don’t know what not to do in a zed apocalypse, you’re doomed to do those things. To start, let’s list some things that can … [Read more...] about Things You SHOULD Do When Faced With A Zombie Apocalypse (Ashes)