With well over 100 issues to date, The Walking Dead graphic novels are going strong. So if you’re interested in reading them, but not really interested in buying over 100 separate issues, may we strongly recommend the compendium novels available online!
Amazon offers three versions covering the series, including:
- Compendium One: Offers The Walking Dead #1-48. This is the perfect collection for any fan of the Emmy Award-winning television series on AMC: over one thousand pages chronicling the beginning of Robert Kirkman’s Eisner Award-winning continuing story of survival horror- from Rick Grimes’ waking up alone in a hospital, to him and his family seeking solace on Hershel’s farm, and the controversial introduction of Woodbury despot: The Governor. In a world ruled by the dead, we are finally forced to finally start living.
- Compendium Two: Offers The Walking Dead #49-96. Begins with Rick Grimes’ struggle to survive after the prison raid, to the group’s finding short solace in The Community, and the devastation that follows. In a world ruled by the dead, we are finally forced to finally start living.
- Compendium Three: Offers The Walking Dead #97-144. Dives into Rick Grimes’ dream of rebuilding civilization is tested as the people of Alexandria come into contact with other communities that have developed their own methods of survival.
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